Welcome to the Amsterdam UMC

This letter provides you with information about your rights and obligations. This will allow you to prepare yourself for a visit or stay in our hospital.

Your patient record

Your medical data is stored in the Electronic Patient Record (EPR) of Amsterdam UMC. This data is treated confidentially. We do so in accordance with government rules and regulations. Your record can be accessed by care providers who provide you with care at both locations of the Amsterdam UMC (AMC location and VUmc location).

You can access part of your medical record yourself online via Mijn Dossier (My Record). For example, via Mijn Dossier, you can view your appointments and results. You can also contact your care providers. Would you like to make use of Mijn Dossier? Then go to mijndossier.amsterdamumc.nl or download the app ‘Mijn Dossier Amsterdam UMC’. Click ‘Log in/Register DigiD’ or request an activation code at the Central Desk of the hospital or the desk at your outpatient department. For assistance with registering, please call 020 – 444 33 36.

Rights and obligations: better care starts with a good conversation

You have a right to good quality care and clear information. The care provider gives you information about your illness, the examinations/tests, possible treatments, and the risks associated with a treatment. Which treatment or which examination/test is appropriate in your case depends on several factors. We ask you about your wishes and needs. This enables you to think things through with us and participate in the decision-making process. It goes without saying that the care provider does everything possible to ensure good quality care.

However, it’s not always possible to comply with all patient wishes. It may also become clear that admission or treatment in the Amsterdam UMC is not possible or is not the best choice. Would you like more information or is the information given not completely clear to you? Then please inform your care providers accordingly. If necessary, the care provider can also request extra assistance, for example in the form of an interpreter. This service costs you nothing.

What do we expect of you?

We expect you to provide the care provider with all relevant information about important aspects related to your illness, physical symptoms, and treatment. The care provider needs this information in order to be able to provide you with good care. You have the obligation to comply with your appointments (or to cancel them no later than 24 hours beforehand), to provide the correct data regarding your health insurance, and to ensure that fees and charges are paid on a timely basis.

Consent for sharing medical data outside the Amsterdam UMC

Are you being treated not only by the Amsterdam UMC but also by other care providers? Then it may be important for these other care providers to also be able to access your medical data. At the Central Desk, we will ask for your consent in order to be able to electronically share your data with other care providers. On our website amsterdamumc.nl/rechten you can read about which data these other care providers will then be able to access.

Training and research

Amsterdam UMC is a university medical center. This means that, as a patient, you will also be assisted by care providers who are still undergoing training. These care providers include medical students in the final stages of their training. In the last stage of their training, they go through on-the-job training in the hospital. Qualified physicians who go through training to become medical specialists also train in this hospital and work as residents.

Care providers who are still in training always work under the direct supervision of a fully accredited care provider and are part of a treatment team. Would you prefer not to have care providers in training involved in your treatment? Then please inform your care providers accordingly.

Several persons are usually involved in conversations, physical examinations, or operations. These can include a medical specialist, a resident, a medical student, and a nurse. During a stay in the hospital, you will often also see several care providers around your bed. We ask for your understanding in this regard.

At Amsterdam UMC, we also carry out scientific research. We may sometimes ask you if you wish to participate in such research efforts. In that case, you will receive information about the objective of the research as well as the advantages and disadvantages of participating. You are the one who decides whether you wish to participate or not. Regardless of whether or not you participate in such research, we will provide you with the best possible quality of care.

Utilization of your medical data and body materials

During your examination/test and/or treatment, we store your medical data. In some cases, we take samples of body materials such as blood, urine, or tissue. Your medical data and body materials can be valuable for scientific research or training. We protect your privacy and do not share your personal data.

If you do NOT wish your body materials to be utilized, then you can inform your care provider accordingly. You may do so whenever you wish without giving a reason. We will then store your body materials and data only for the purpose of your own treatment.

What is your opinion of the care we provide?

We continually strive to improve the care we provide. We would very much like to hear what you think of the care we provide. A week after your outpatient visit or (day) admission, you may receive an email from us. In this email, we ask you to fill out a questionnaire. Participation is always voluntary and anonymous.

Do you NOT wish to fill out the questionnaire? Then please inform the Central Desk accordingly via Mijn Dossier or via the opt-out form on our website amsterdamumc.nl/uwervaring. On our website, you can also find more information about how we measure patient satisfaction.

What is the cost of your treatment and care?

Health insurers cover a large part of the costs of your care. Often you also have to pay part of these costs. For example, you may have to pay the deductible or own contribution, or part of the costs if you have a budget policy. Ask your health insurer whether your treatment in our hospital will be covered by the insurance. If you cannot be helped at the Amsterdam UMC for financial reasons, you can best contact your general practitioner.

How can Amsterdam UMC be reached?

Amsterdam UMC has two locations: the AMC location and the VUmc location. More information about accessibility as well as a route description can be found at amsterdamumc.nl/address.

Would you like to find out more about your rights and obligations?

You can find more information on your rights and obligations at amsterdamumc.nl/rechten.