You've been referred to the Rehabilitation Department at the AMC. This brochure provides helpful information about rehabilitation treatment.

What is rehabilitation treatment?

The Rehabilitation Department provides treatment for the physical, psychological and social consequences of disorders, illnesses and accidents. All our treatments have the same goal: to improve how the patient functions in his/her daily activities and social life. We can also teach you how to deal with the lasting consequences of illnesses and accidents, if you will not recover completely. During your visit, we'll inform you about the treatment options available for your condition. Additional follow-up testing may be required for us to gain better insight into these treatment options.

Who are the members of the treatment team?

Outpatient rehabilitation is treatment provided by a rehabilitation team on an outpatient basis. The team consists of: a rehabilitation physician, a physical therapist, an occupational therapist, a speech therapist, a psychologist and a social worker. The rehabilitation team works closely with an orthopedic shoemaker, an orthopedic instrument maker and a podotherapist. If necessary, the partner/family will be involved in the treatment. Working with the care practitioners, you'll determine a plan and goals for your treatment.

What do the different care practitioners do?

The rehabilitation physician

The doctor coordinates your treatment and is ultimately responsible for the rehabilitation process. If necessary, the rehabilitation physician will consult with other specialists and your family doctor. In addition, he performs certain treatments and is involved in prescribing medical aids and/or devices.

The physical therapist

You may have physical limitations after experiencing an illness or accident. These limitations can make it difficult to function normally in your everyday life. With the physical therapist, you'll work on things like improving your muscle strength, balance, fitness and functional skills, such as standing and walking.

The occupational therapist

People who have symptoms from a physical disorder can encounter a range of practical issues in their daily lives. You'll speak with the occupational therapist about better ways to perform your daily activities. This concerns, for example, the activities necessary for you to be able to look after yourself and the household and for you to participate in leisure activities, work, and to attend your studies or school.

The speech therapist

As part of the speech therapy treatment, we give you training on the skills necessary to properly use your voice, speech and language. We also teach you better techniques to eat and drink more successfully. If necessary, the speech therapist can also help you learn how to properly use communication supports.

The psychologist

You'll have one or more talks with the psychologist about your experience of the rehabilitation process. Including any difficulties you may have encountered. Furthermore, she can assist you in processing the loss or impairment of a function. She can also teach you how to cope with this limitation.

The social worker

The social worker will help you find a new balance in your life in areas such as your family and other relationships, work, housing, and finances; among others. She can also assist you with emotional problems related to your limitation.

The orthopedic instrument maker

The orthopedic instrument maker creates artificial aids and devices for physical problems that affect normal functioning. For example: aids that support your functioning (orthotics) and ones that replace certain functioning (prostheses).

The orthopedic shoemaker

The orthopedic shoemaker creates products for the feet and for technical problems with shoes. For example: a custom support sole, custom footwear, or an orthopedic adjustment to a shoe that you've purchased.

The podotherapist

A podotherapist treats foot complaints. Examples include: callus removal, wound treatment, and insole adjustments.

Why is there a multidisciplinary consultation?

Given that rehabilitation treatment involves multiple care practitioners, it's vital that they notify each other what has taken place or been agreed upon. Therefore, your experiences and those of the care practitioners involved are regularly discussed during a multidisciplinary consultation.

How do you schedule an appointment at the Rehabilitation Outpatient Clinic?

You've been referred to the Rehabilitation Department. You'll receive your first appointment in writing and/or by telephone. Next, you'll schedule the follow-up appointments with staff at the front desk.

Telephone consultation

If necessary, you can have a telephone consultation during your treatment process. The costs for this are the same as an ordinary consultation.

How do you cancel an appointment?

If you need to cancel an appointment, please inform the secretariat of the Rehabilitation Department as soon as possible. If, without canceling, you do not show up to your appointment two times, the treatment will be terminated. You'll have to schedule a new appointment with the rehabilitation physician.

Which clothing should you wear during the treatment?

It's not necessary for you to buy any special clothing for outpatient rehabilitation treatment. Easy-fitting clothing, in which you can move freely, will be sufficient.

What about scientific research?

The researchers from the Rehabilitation Department conduct scientific research. This is to improve the quality of the treatment and to develop new techniques. Your doctor may ask you if you would like to participate in scientific research. Should you wish to do so, you can receive additional information about this in advance of your treatment. We also require your express permission for you to participate in scientific research. If you don't want to participate in any scientific research, naturally this will not have any consequences for your treatment.

Education and training: what will you notice?

The AMC trains doctors, nurses, and other care staff. Therefore, you may end up dealing with various staff members. For example: rehabilitation physicians in training, interns, and trainees. For you, this means that you may speak to alternating doctors in training. But you are always under the supervision of a permanent rehabilitation physician.

Will you receive compensation?

If the rehabilitation physician submits a request to your health insurer, the treatments and the transport to and from the hospital will be reimbursed by your health insurer.

If you're unable to travel by public transport, but can by your own transport, sometimes your health insurer will provide you with a kilometer allowance. This depends, however, on the conditions of your healthcare insurance policy. Would you like to know more about that? Then contact your health insurer.

Do you have a complaint or a compliment?

We do everything we can to ensure that your rehabilitation treatment is satisfactory. However, you might be dissatisfied with how things have gone or have a complaint about the treatment. Even if you're very satisfied or have suggestions to improve our care, we like to hear about that as well. Preferably, you'll contact the relevant care practitioners. You can also file a complaint or a compliment while at the department via the MEPAT (Meldingen door Patienten)-form, which is located in the waiting room. Your form is then processed by the department. You can also report your complaint to the Patient Information Department at emailaddress: . In consultation with you, the complaints officer can play a mediating role in your contact with staff at the relevant workplace.

What are your 'Rights and Obligations'?

The 'AMC Patient Manifesto' describes what you can expect as a patient before, during, and after your examinations and treatment at the AMC. On the AMC website, you can read more about these, visit: Patientmanifesto

Contacting the Rehabilitation Outpatient Clinic

The Rehabilitation Outpatient Clinic is available on weekdays from 8:30 am-12:30 pm and from

1:00-4:45 pm on telephone number +31 (0)20-5663345.