Are you in immediate need of care? Accidents and Emergency (A&E) at location VUmc is open daily between 7.30 am and 8pm. If you or someone else is in a life-threatening situation, call 112. If in doubt about your visit, please first call your normal doctor (GP) and outside office hours, call the GP station (in Dutch: Huisartsenpost or HAP) as indicated by your GP. You will come to/be brought to us if you are in need of immediate care, if you have a referral from a GP or if you are taken by ambulance. If you arrive between 8 pm and 7.30 am, we will refer you to location AMC (Meibergdreef 9; 1105 AZ Amsterdam Zuidoost).

Telephone:  020 - 444 36 36

The Emergency Department is located at Amsterdam UMC, location VUmc, in the hospital building on the first floor. There is private parking near the entrance to the Emergency Department. You can also park in parking garage P1.

Adress VUmc

Register upon arrival to the emergency room

When you arrive, you will be registered so as a patient within VUmc and will be given a unique patient number. Our registration office will record several of your details. If your health condition does not allow us to do this, the they will only request the essentials and then have you picked up by a nurse. With your unique patient number, we ensure that all your examinations, results and treatments are processed correctly.

After registration, we ask you to take a seat in the waiting room. From here you will be picked up by the triage nurse. This nurse will determine what your situation is and the urgency needed. It is possible that patients coming in after you are in more urgent need of care and therefore will be helped sooner.

In addition the waiting time is also determined by other factors such as:

  • How busy things are at the A&E.
  • The availability of the doctor/specialist or of the nurse
  • Several specialists work side by side, so happens it sometimes that a patient who comes in after you is helped sooner than you.
  • The availability of the treatment room that is necessary for your treatment.
  • Calling away the doctor in connection with an emergency at the A&E or another care unit within the hospital.

If your symptoms get worse during your stay at the A&E, tell a doctor or nurse immediately. You can also always contact one of the nurses for other questions.

